Committee on Education in Acoustics
What does the Committee on Education in Acoustics do?
By hosting hands-on demonstration sessions for middle and high school students, as well as sessions created in partnership with local Girl Scouts troops, the EdCom introduces young people to the science of acoustics.
Resources for Educators
EdCom provides activity kits, technical training sessions, online resources, and much more to share acoustics with students and the public.
Resources for Students
From networking opportunities to research grants and a acoustics program directory, the EdCom offers a wide range of resources for students of acoustics.
The Future of Acoustics Education
The EdCom works to promote awareness of acoustics, increase the diversity of membership in the Acoustical Society of America, and increase engagement with that membership.

A Message From Our Chair
Welcome to the ASA Committee on Education in Acoustics (EdCom) website! I am happy to serve as the chair of this committee, and I look forward to working with everyone to ensure that our committee continues to thrive and meet the education and outreach needs of the Society.
EdCom strives to foster a supportive environment for acoustics educators at all levels and in all areas of expertise. At the semi-annual ASA meetings, please feel free to join us at our open EdCom meetings (usually held on Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 pm). Also, the EdCom committee sponsors acoustics demonstrations for middle & high school students, education and career support for students of acoustics, and resources for educators of all kinds. More detailed information about how to participate in these activities can be found on this website.
– Daniel A. Russell