Acoustics Demonstrations for Middle and High Schoolers
For the past 25 years, as part of the ASA meetings, the EdCom has hosted a hands-on demonstration session for middle and high-school students. The demonstrations, co-sponsored by the Women in Acoustics Committee, are led by Society members who introduce the students to the exciting world of acoustics; for many students, this is the very first time that they have seen any acoustics at all. The session also includes discussion about careers and education in acoustics. The primary goals of this session are to expose young people to opportunities in science and engineering and to provide them an opportunity to interact with professionals in many areas of acoustics.

ASA member, Kieren Smith and visiting students discuss acoustics while using the dulcimer.
Typically, nearly fifty students from a school local to the Meeting attend the session, with the ASA providing lunch and bus transportation costs. This is one of the EdCom’s longest-running and most successful programs, and it is a fantastic way to introduce young people to the science of the ASA. Anyone interested in helping during this exciting session at an upcoming ASA meeting should contact the Education and Outreach Coordinator, Keeta Jones at