Teacher Activity Kits
The EdCom developed an activity kit for teachers that includes the supplies and teaching instructions for a variety of lessons addressing acoustics for a range of K-12 students. This kit includes materials to teach a class of 30 students plus access to over 40 research-based, interactive, student-tested lessons and laboratory exercises, along with several assessments and video clips of a class using the materials. Support materials are available on https://exploresound.org/educators/, with password-protected videos (password included in kit). The examples and applications included in the kit relate to a range of topics including medical imaging, animal bioacoustics, physical and psychological acoustics, speech, audiology, and architectural acoustics. The ASA offers the kit free to K-12 teachers. For universities and colleges, the kits are offered at cost ($100). To acquire an activity kit, please contact ASA Education and Outreach Coordinator, Keeta Jones at kjones@acousticalsociety.org