Committee Projects
The Education in Acoustics Committee, or EdCom, runs many initiatives to support acoustics students and educators. Here are some of the things we do.
International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)
The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) began participating at ISEF in 1978 in order to promote acoustics and recognize the accomplishments of high-school students. ASA’s long-time participation in ISEF recognizes the importance of promoting STEM education and generating interest in acoustics among all students. Read judge’s reports to learn about previous winners here.
Listen Up and Get Involved!
This acoustics demonstration session, jointly sponsored with the Women in Acoustics Committee of the ASA, is designed to introduce young girls and under-resourced students to acoustics through partnership with local Girl Scouts troupes and after school programs. Learn more here.
Acoustics Demos for Middle & High School Students
The EdCom organizes a hands-on demonstration sessions for local students during ASA meetings to expose young people to opportunities in science and engineering and provide them an opportunity to interact with professionals in many areas of acoustics. Learn more here.
Explore Sound
The EdCom developed the Explore Sound website for young people and teachers who are interested in learning about acoustics and scientists who study sound. The site houses several resources for students and teachers, including games, science fair projects, acoustician profiles, and class activities. Visit the site here.

USA Science and Engineering Festival (USA-SEF)
The ASA offers hands-on acoustics demonstrations at the USA SEF. The festival is the largest free celebration of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines in the United States.
Students Meet Members for Lunch (SMMfL)
This program allows students attending ASA meetings to interact one-on-one with an ASA member over lunch to encourage and help students network with more senior members as they embark on their acoustics careers.
Technical Initiatives and Special Sessions
The EdCom sponsors technical sessions at meetings of ASA, covering such topics as distance education in acoustics, tools for teaching acoustics at different education level courses, incorporating internships, and much more.
Education Awards and Prizes
The EdCom presents a variety of awards, prizes, and scholarships to students studying and pursuing acoustics educations and careers as well as to educators bringing acoustics to students and learners.
Acoustics Program Directory
This on-line directory of acoustics programs can be searched by region, institution, and 13 sub-disciplines in acoustics so that interested students seeking an acoustics education can find the right institution.
Teacher Activity Kits
The EdCom developed a free activity kit for teachers that includes the supplies and teaching instructions for a variety of lessons addressing acoustics for a range of K-12 students.